Clinical Supervision

Comprehensive, strengths-based, Affordable supervision online or in-person For Texas Based Social Workers.


Group Supervision $350/month (usually two 2-hr groups/month)

Individual Supervision $520/month


If you’re here that means you’re a social worker in Texas interested in beginning clinical supervision to obtain your advanced social work licensure. I’m so excited that you’re here. You’re probably overwhelmed right now. You may be thinking that this is an expensive endeavor. You have heard horror stories about Social Workers whose supervisors really didn’t do all that much other than sending invoices and signing paperwork. You may be a little bit anxious about this entire process in general. That’s totally normal! Hopefully, you’re also feeling excited! You’re getting ready to begin one of the most important relationships in your professional life. You’re going to have access to a successful and experienced Social Worker eager to answer your questions and see you succeed!

As a clinical supervisor, my goal is to walk alongside new clinicians as they develop their professional identities. There are of course the basics of the job. Can you conduct an assessment appropriate to your setting? Can you conceptualize a case and develop a treatment plan? Is your plan defensible given the evidence base? Is your practice rooted in the evidence base? Do you have a toolbox of interventions that you feel comfortable implementing?

But of course, there’s more to it than that. Do you know what self-care really means and why it’s crucial in our field? Are you clear on how to shepherd your own career? Do you know how to navigate ethical dilemmas as they arise? Supervision is not just about how to be a clinician. It’s also about how to be a professional in the field. I pride myself on being a professional mentor as well as someone who can teach you what to do with your clients.

My supervision style is strengths-based and informed by a relational-cultural model. I also firmly believe in academic rigor and challenging your own assumptions all within a supportive and safe environment. It’s not my job to “catch you” but instead to guide you. This requires honest self-report, and a willingness to hear feedback on your part. It also requires that I bring the best of myself to the table.

Sound interesting? You can fill out my Supervision Application here.